
I am full stack web developer and a journalist with an extensive PR background. I recently completed 2016 Full Stack Development Course in New Zealand which culminated in building the http://www.harvestr.nz/ logistics web-app for the non-profit Kiwi Harvest in New Zealand. We built this using Node.js, React.js, Knex, Sqlite, PostGres and other technologies.

I have used React and React Native, Express js and other Javascript libraries. I have worked SQL engines including SQLlite3 and POSTGres. I have worked with API’s from various clients.

I have deep understanding of programming fundamentals including Functions and high order functions, Data types (objects, arrays, etc.), Data structures and algorithms, Functional programming and Object Orientation, Control flow with conditionals and iterators, Asynchronous programming (file system, database, and network), Testing, GitHub and Git, Pull requests, Code reviews, Debugging techniques in the browser and on the server, Command line interface, Editors – Sublime Text or Atom, Building a web server from scratch with Node and Express, HTTP protocol, Designing RESTful routes for resources and TDD, Server side rendering using tempting engines, Creation and migrations on relational databases, Creating and testing web APIs, Consuming third party web APIs, Client side JavaScript frameworks (e.g. React and Redux), Cookies, sessions and authentication, Social login and OAuth

I have a Degree in Communication from Divine Word University where I also studied Web Development ( Dreamweaver and CSS)

I have worked a lot in the communication/pr industry, having produced magazines, videos, radio broadcasts, and more. I built a company that was dedicated to communication work so I can work effectively with teams.

I have designed several significant websites in the last 8 months. These websites range from self hosted customized solutions to public State Owned Websites. I have used WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and custom HTML for design of these websites.

The public websites include the PNG Australia Alumina Association website www.pngaaa.org, Ombudsman Commission website www.ombudsman.gov.pg, Office of Tourism and Culture www.otacpng.org.pg , the NPCP www.npcp.com, and the Auditor General of PNG website. www.ago.gov.pg, just to name a few in recent months.

(I recently designed and launched the Prime Ministers Department website as well, but as I am still developing features for it, I have not included it in this outline of my work, though the website is live at (pmnec.gov.pg) )

Other major software programs I have developed include the Morobe Mining MOU information portal which contains all the material developed and captured during several months of MOU negotiations between all parties, as well as the MRA legal repository project, which is the development of a electronic storage and retrieval facility for MRA legal cases.

Two of the biggest websites I developed are the Ombudsman Commission website and the PNGAAA website. The Ombudsman Commission website has an online complaints form based on its reporting form which I developed and is responsive for tablets and mobile phones.

The PNG AAA website processes not just membership renewals and applications but also has an outbound marketing program which I developed. It is a wordpress based website integrated it with Salesforce.org, Freshbooks.com, and Zapier.com to run the integration. I have also installed Mailchimp.com and Buddypress extension to improve the marketing and the community interacting with the website. It is a very powerful tool for ongoing communication and networking.

These websites are all in compliance with the Laws that govern their organizations (including reporting responsibilities). I have included screen shots below.

I have run training workshops for HTML/CSS, Social Media and Corporate Identity workshops.